
basics of thermodynamics-part-2

What is Carnot principle?
No irreversible engine operating between two reservoirs at constant temperatures can have a greater efficiency than a reversible engine operating between the same temperatures.

Furthermore, all reversible engines operating between the same temperatures have the same efficiency.

What are the limitations of carnot cycle?
1. No friction is considered for moving parts of the engine.
2. There should not be any heat loss.

What is Specific heat capacity at constant pressure?
It is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise or lower the temperature of unit mass of the substance through one degree when the pressure kept constant.   It is denoted by Cp.

What is Specific heat capacity at constant volume?
It is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise or lower the temperature of unit mass of the substance through one degree when volume kept constant.

What is meant by surroundings?
Any other matter outside the system boundary is called as surroundings.

What is boundary?
System and surroundings are separated by an imaginary line is called boundary.

What is Entropy? 
Entropy is a measure of the disorder of a system. Its value depends upon the state of the system; hence it is a state function. On increasing the temperature, the molecular motion increases. Hence, entropy will increase with increase of temperature.

Important characteristics of entropy are given below:
1. If the heat is supplied to the system then the entropy will increase.
2. If the heat is rejected to the system then the entropy will decrease.
3. The entropy is constant for all adiabatic frictionless process.
4. The entropy increases if temperature of heat is lowered without work being done as in 
    throttling process.
5. If the entropy is maximum, then there is a minimum availability for conversion in to work.
6. If the entropy is minimum then there is a maximum availability for conversion into work.
7. Entropy will decrease because solids have smaller randomness molecules.
8. Entropy will increase because a substance in vapour state is formed.
9. Entropy is decreased because the total numbers of molecules are decreased.

What is Enthalpy?
Enthalpy is the sum of internal energy and the product of pressure and volume of the system.
H = E + PV
Internal energy is the energy stored in a substance.

Define thermodynamic equilibrium.
If a system is in Mechanical, Thermal and Chemical Equilibrium then the system is in thermodynamically equilibrium. Or

 If the system is isolated from its surrounding there will be no change in the macroscopic property, then the system is said to exist in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium.

What is Property?
  A property is an observable.  It results from a physical or chemical measurement.  A system is characterized by a set of properties.  Typical examples are mass, volume, temperature, pressure, moisture content, chemical composition, energy, etc. Properties may be classified as intensive or extensive.

Intensive property:
A property that characterizes the system as a whole, and is not given as the sum of the property for portions of the system. 
Pressure, temperature, density, water vapor mixing ratio, and specific heat are examples of intensive properties.

Extensive property:
 A property which is dependent on the extent or physical size of the system, and which is given by the sum of the extensive properties of portions of the system.

 Examples are mass, volume and energy.