
basics of thermodynamics-part-9

What is partial pressure?
The partial pressure of each constituent is that pressure which the gas would exert if it occupied alone that volume occupied by the mixtures at the same temperature.

 What is compressibility factor?
The gas equation for an ideal gas is given by (PV/RT) = 1,
for real gas (PV/RT) is not equal to 1
(PV/RT) = Z for real gas is called the compressibility factor.

How does the Vander Waal’s equation differ from the ideal gas equation of state?
The ideal gas equation pV=mRT has two important assumptions,
1. There is little or no attraction between the molecules of the gas.
2. That the volume occupied by the molecules themselves is negligibly small compared to the volume of the gas. This equation holds good for low pressure and high temperature ranges as the intermolecular attraction and the volume of the molecules are not of much significance.

As the pressure increases, the inter molecular forces of attraction and repulsion increases and the volume of the molecules are not negligible. The real gas deviates considerably from the ideal gas equation [p+(a/V2)](V-b) = RT

What is humidification and dehumidification?
The addition of water vapour into air is humidification and the removal of water vapour from air is dehumidification.

What are the important psychrometric processes?
          1. Sensible heating and sensible cooling,
          2. Cooling and dehumidification,
          3. Heating and humidification,
          4. Mixing of air streams,
          5. Chemical dehumidification,
          6. Adiabatic evaporative cooling.

What is meant by adiabatic mixing?
The process of mixing two or more stream of air without any heat transfer to the surrounding is known as adiabatic mixing. It is happened in air conditioning system.

What are the assumptions made in Vanderwaal’s equation of state?
1. There is no inter molecular forces between particles.
2. The volume of molecules is negligible in comparison with the gas.

What is coefficient of volume expansion?
The coefficient of volume expansion is defined as the change in volume with the change in temperature per unit volume.

What are thermodynamic properties?
Thermodynamic properties are pressure (p), temperature (T), volume (V), internal energy (U), enthalpy(H), entropy (S), Helmholtz function and Gibbs function

 Define throttling process.
When a fluid expands through a minute orifice or slightly opened valve, the process is called as throttling process. During this process, pressure and velocity are reduced.