
Different types of waste water Treatment process

Types of waste water treatment process are as follows:
1. Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP)
2. Sewage Treatment Plants (STP)
3. Common and Combined Effluent Treatment Plants (CETP). 

Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP)
Physical Unit Operations
Treatment methods in which the application of physical forces predominates. Screening, mixing, flocculation, sedimentation, flotation, filtration, and gas transfer are typical unit operations.

Biological Unit Processes
Treatment methods in which the removal of contaminants is brought about by biological activity. Biological treatment is used primarily to remove the biodegradable organic substances (colloidal or dissolved) and nutrients (nitrogen & phosphorus) from waste water.Basically, these substances are converted into gases that can escape to the atmosphere and into biological cell tissue that can be removed by settling. 

Chemical Unit Processes
Treatment methods in which the removal or conversion of contaminants is brought about by the addition of chemicals or by other chemical reactions. Precipitation, adsorption, and disinfection are the most common examples used in waste water treatment.
These industrial effluent treatment plants are designed to provide a pollution free working environment and recycle the water for other applications. All the effluent treatment plants strictly comply with the design specifications laid down by the regulatory authority. 

The industrial effluent treatment plants involve different stages of treatment including physio- chemical treatment and biological treatment followed by tertiary treatment. Integrated functions with simple control makes the operation much easier.