
mechanical engineering questions


What is the difference between planning and scheduling?

Planning = facilitates preparation and readiness 
Scheduling = facilitates execution and completion

Planning is the "What" and the "How"; 
Scheduling is the "Who" and the "When". 

Planning simply means to plan the event. 
Scheduling means to set a time frame to accomplish the event or actually do the work.

Planning is General. 
Scheduling is specific / detailed. 

For Ex. Planning: Part ABC to be made 5000 Nos. in first shift as per marketing requirement. 
Scheduling contains: Men, Machine, Material, etc., 

Planning is thought Process including Collection of data and listing down all activities that must be done to achieve perfect end result.(500 MT ton of desired output is--- what is Plan) 

Scheduling is distribution of activity plan to respective locations that must be adhered to provide Planned Output. 

Well Known Saying -- Plan Your Work and Work your plan.

Planning is all about describing the technical content of the job - step-by-step actions to take, methods, specs, limits, tolerances etc, including labour required to do the job, expected time it will take and any spare parts or materials that will be required. 

Scheduling is all about deciding what jobs can be done on what days - arranging with the production people that the equipment will be available for maintenance on that day, arranging with the workshop team to ensure the required technicians will be available on that day, ensuring the parts and materials will be available, ensuring any special tools or third party support will be available, assigning the jobs to the appropriate technicians and making sure all the other logistic support elements are arranged for the agreed date and time.