
Pump Head Terminology

Pump Head

The term head is commonly taken to mean the difference in elevation between the suction level and the discharge level of the liquid being pumped.

Suction Lift

A Suction Lift means the liquid level is below the center line of the pump suction. The term static suction lift is used to describe the vertical distance from the pump center line down to the free level of the liquid source below the pump.

Suction Head

The static suction head exists if the liquid source is located above the center line of the pump. This may also be referred to a flooded suction. The term static suction head is used to describe the vertical distance from the center ine of the pump up to the free level of the liquid source above the pump. 

Friction Head

This is the pressure drop on both inlet and discharge sides of the pump due to frictional losses in fluid flow. 

Static head

Static head is simply the difference in elevations of the outlet and the inlet point of the system or height of the supply and destination reservoirs. Static head is independent of flow and pipe diameter. The static head is the potential energy of the system. 

Dynamic Suction head

The dynamic suction head includes static suction head minus friction head and velocity head. 

Dynamic Suction lift

The dynamic suction lift includes static suction lift, friction head loss and velocity head. 

Velocity Head

Velocity head is the head needed to accelerate the liquid. Knowing the velocity of the liquid, the velocity head loss can be calculated by simple formula,  Head = V²/2g,   in which g is acceleration due to gravity